February 8 2011. A day that crushed many a fans’ dreams. A simple
announcement on the LCD Soundsystem website marked the end of a band
that wasn’t really meant to be a band. They were older than your typical
rock band and yet shot to super stardom in less time than most other
rock bands due to their unique blend of disco and punk stylings, drawing
influences from a catalogue of the most well stocked record shop in all
the world. And yet it was at this peak that they decided to call it
quits. This left many, myself included, quite flabbergasted that a band
with so much popularity would decide to drop out of the race while in
pole position. Rumours flew around as to why they had called it quits
but the real reason was primarily that they were getting too old. James
Murphy started the band at the age of 32 and around ten years later
wanted to focus on other things. The band had come together as a group
of friends simply to have a good time which exploded into the LCD
Soundsystem we know today.
Shut Up And Play The Hits is a document of the subsequent last ever
gig. And by last ever gig, they sure as fuck meant “last ever”. No
reunions, no nothing. If they were going out, they were going out with a
bang. So the date was set. April 2nd at New York’s Madison Square
Garden. What followed was a 4 hour party with guests such as Reggie
Watts, Arcade Fire and label mates Shit Robot. It was less of a bang,
more of a firework fuelled spectacular. I stayed up until 5am watching
the live stream of the gig and, even alone in my bedroom, it was the
best thing ever.
Shut Up And Play The Hits covers the run up to this huge blowout, the
witching hour itself and then the come down, hangover fuelled day after
alongside interview snippets with James Murphy as to why he decided to
quit as well as dissection of his work and his career as a whole.
Electric concert footage covers most of the documentary, making it more
akin to Stop Making Sense than Living In The Material World (which is
apt because I often think of LCD Soundsystem as my generation’s Talking
Heads), but the interview snippets give you an insight into the psyche
of James Murphy, a notoriously shy character who hates talking about the
meaning of his songs. The most eye opening scene is a simple scene in
which Murphy visits the lock up where most of the gear from the MSG gig
is being held before being sold off. He walks into the lock up, sits in a
chair silently, gets up, walks among the gear and just breaks down in
tears. This is a man who is not sure if he made the right decision in
disbanding LCD Soundsystem, as mentioned when he is asked what the
defining failure of LCD might be, but is happy that he had a fucking
great journey along the way.
The real highlight, however, is the concert footage itself. The
cheapest concert film ever filmed at Madison Square Garden, it doesn’t
feel that way at all. The energy is electric and places you right in the
centre of this huge party as old friends play together for the last
time and the crowd go wild. Having seen LCD Soundsystem live before, the
energy of the actual live gig is still there even in a cinema. The
party atmosphere is one of the prevailing memories of that gig and is
the reason why it is one of my favourite gigs ever, if not THE best gig
I’ve been to. I ended up going on my own because a friend couldn’t go
but I met loads of people, was right at the front in what Murphy himself
calls the “party block” (the block of 1000 or so people near the front
who are just having a fucking great time) and just danced for the
entirety of it. Watching Shut Up And Play The Hits brought back all the
great memories from that night; from everybody losing their shit when
the room went pitch black during Us vs Them and the light shining on the
mirrorball was the only source of light to the mass singalong of New
York I Love You But You’re Bringing Me Down. And that’s what made me sad
when watching SUAPTH. The fact LCD Soundsystem will never play a live
gig together again. That’s what they were best at. They wanted to turn
the conventional gig on its head and turn it into a huge disco. And they
succeeded. Gig in, gig out that is what we got. And that is why they
were the force that they were. They knew how to have a good time.
And they went out having THE BEST time.